Advanced Dentistry Ricardo Orquín
Professionalism, passion and experience. Whatever you need, from a simple filling to a complete oral rehabilitation, we will always treat you looking for excellence in treatment.

Our clinic
22 years offering a complete and high quality dentistry.
We offer you all the dental treatments you may need: Invisalign invisible orthodontics, implants, complete oral rehabilitation, TMJ problems, root canals, restorations, gum treatments, fillings, etc., with the best technology: 3D X-ray, 3D virtual models, Digital Smile Design, Guided Surgery, and with the best training, experience and professionalism.
Our services
Our way of understanding and practicing dentistry:

La prevención en Odontología, al igual que en todas las especialidades médicas, es la piedra angular de todos los tratamientos.

Tooth whitening
Teeth whitening serves to lighten the color of your teeth. The treatment is combined, clinic session and at home.

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with moving teeth into their correct positions.
Book your first visit now
The first visit appointment lasts approximately one hour. In it we will make a battery of records that will be attached to your clinical record: general and dental health questionnaire, intraoral and smile photographs, and 2 bitewing radiographs.
With all this we can get a pretty good idea of your current situation.
This appointment serves as the first contact between the patient and the clinic. It is not a treatment appointment: we can not schedule the correct time in the agenda until we have correctly diagnosed your dental problem.
Por qué escoger nuestra clínica
Destacamos por nuestra seriedad, puntualidad y el contínuo esfuerzo formativo para lograr los mejores resultados.

Ricardo Orquín.
Dentist Degree in Dentistry from the University Alfonso X El Sabio, Madrid, with the qualification of best academic record (promotion 97-2002).
- +22 years of experience
- Master in Oral Implantology.
- Master of Periodontology Online Periocentrum
What our customers say
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668 82 93 23