Computer-Assisted Guided Surgery
Computer-Assisted Guided Surgery
Guided Surgery enables precise planning of implant surgery
allows the immediate loading of implants, if a series of requirements are met, since the insertion of the implants is guided by the future prosthesis, and not the other way around.
Guided Surgery enables precise planning of implant surgery
allows the immediate loading of implants, if a series of requirements are met, since the insertion of the implants is guided by the future prosthesis, and not the other way around.
Much more precise technique
In addition to having many other advantages for the patient
La transmucosal Guided Surgery permite planificar la cirugía de implantes de manera precisa en el ordenador y traspasarla a la boca del paciente con el mínimo de errores posibles, cumpliendo los criterios planificados previamente (dirección, angulación, profundidad). Es una técnica mucho más precisa que «a mano alzada». Además, permite la carga inmediata de los implantes, si se cumplen una serie de requisitos, ya que la inserción de los implantes está guiada por la futura prótesis.
The advantages of this system include the following:
- Lower surgical time, with less clinical intervention time.
- More precision and accuracy in implant insertion.
- As a prosthesis-guided surgery, better clinical results are to be expected.
- Better postoperative period for the patient, presenting less edema, swelling, hemorrhage and trismus, with less need for medication.
- Possibility of prefabricating the prosthesis before surgery.
- Possibility of, if the necessary surgical requirements are met, loading the implants the same day of the intervention (Immediate loading), so the patient leaves with his implants and provisional teeth in the same session.
- Better and greater utilization of the patient's available bone.
Much more precise technique
In addition to having many other advantages for the patient
The Guided Surgery allows implant surgery to be planned precisely on a computer and transferred to the patient's mouth with the minimum possible errors, complying with the previously planned criteria (direction, angulation, depth). It is a much more precise technique than "freehand". In addition, it allows immediate loading of the implants, if a series of requirements are met, since the insertion of the implants is guided by the future prosthesis, and not the other way around.
The advantages of this system include the following:
- Lower surgical time, with less clinical intervention time.
- More precision and accuracy in implant insertion.
- As a prosthesis-guided surgery, better clinical results are to be expected.
- Better postoperative period for the patient, presenting less edema, swelling, hemorrhage and trismus, with less need for medication.
- Possibility of prefabricating the prosthesis before surgery.
- Possibility of, if the necessary surgical requirements are met, loading the implants the same day of the intervention (Immediate loading), so the patient leaves with his implants and provisional teeth in the same session.
- Better and greater utilization of the patient's available bone.
The cost of this type of treatment is somewhat higher than conventional treatment, due to the costs associated with planning, surgical guidance, computer and radiological equipment, although we can assure that the benefits far outweigh the costs.
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