What is orthodontics?
Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with moving teeth into their correct positions.
The importance of good practice
There are many types of orthodontic treatments depending on the needs of each patient.
Teeth move at any age. Both children and adults can benefit from orthodontic treatment. It is recommended that all children receive an orthodontic evaluation when they are around the age of seven years old. There are cases where Preorthodontics should be done at this age, and others where it is more convenient to start when they already have all the permanent teeth in their mouths (at 11 - 13 years of age).
Since adult jaw bones no longer grow, certain corrections can sometimes not be made by orthodontic appliances alone. Adult treatments have the limitation of not being able to make skeletal changes (changes at the level of the bone), so sometimes it is necessary to resort to combined treatments with Orthognathic Surgery(Maxillofacial Surgery).
The duration of orthodontic treatment varies depending on the malocclusion to be corrected. The average time is 24 monthsalthough it also depends to a large extent on the patient's cooperation. and age. Other factors to consider are the severity of the problem, the health of the tooth, gums and bones, and how well the patient follows the orthodontist's instructions.
Although orthodontic treatment is usually long, in our experience, the patient does not regret the time spent at the end of the treatment.
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