

What is periodontics?

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that treats the problems of the tissues that surround and support the tooth.

The importance of good practice

The most frequent periodontal diseases are Gingivitis and Periodontitis.

Periodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with the problems of the tissues that surround and support the tooth (gums, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone). The most common periodontal diseases are Gingivitis and Periodontitis. Both have a common cause, which is the accumulation of periodontopathogenic bacteria around the tooth (bacteria that attack the supporting tissues of the tooth).

  • Gingivitis: It is the inflammation of the gum surrounding the tooth, without affecting the bone underneath it, therefore it is a reversible process. It is treated with a simple oral cleaning and then brushing the teeth at home. Sometimes it is necessary to use mouthwashes with Chlorhexidine.

  • Periodontitis: is what is commonly known as Piorrea. It is inflammation of the gum (generally of long evolution) and also accompanied by loss of bone that supports the tooth. The latter is Irreversible. Bone loss is progressive, so we can have various stages of evolution, from a very small loss to a very large one with mobility of the tooth. Depending on the stage we are in, the treatment will be different.

    For mild bone loss it is generally enough to clean and polish the roots of the teeth, for more serious cases sometimes this is not enough and we need to perform surgeries to remove excess gum and leave the tooth in good condition so that the patient can clean them well at home.

    In final stages the only solution is tooth extraction.

Periodontitis, although it is a disease whose damage is irreversible, if caught in time we can keep our teeth healthy for a long, long time. The secret of the success of this treatment, and of all of them in general, but especially of this one in particular, is a correct, scrupulous and meticulous hygiene by the patient.The company must use all the tools at its disposal to keep the bacteria that produce these diseases at bay.

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